The camera consists of a camera body, two carriages, a 4" x 5" focusing back, an 8" x 10" focusing back, two front movement mechanisms, two handwheel assemblies, a camera bed, and an easel.
a.Camera body.
The camera body includes the following:
(1) A front frame for mounting the lens assembly.
The front frame contains a front stationary plate and two front movement plates
(horizontal and vertical).
(2) A front bellows and a rear bellows which provide a
flexible lighttight compartment (body).
(3) A center frame for securing the bellows in the center of the
camera body.
(4) A rear frame for mounting the focusing backs. A clip at each
corner of the rear frame provides the means for securing the focusing back
to the rear frame.
The camera bed includes two tubular guide rails with an end block at each end. Wire-rope pulleys are secured to bracketswithin the end blocks. Two connecting bars between the tubular guide rails provide additional rigidity for the camera bed.
The easel is hinge-mounted on the front end and includes a blasted glass secured within the easel frame. Five
interlocking photographic masks are supplied to hold-copy to theg lass frame. Both the glass frame and the masks use clips to secure copy, or the next smaller mask, to the easel. A calibrated mounting plate [(2)
below], mounted on a sponge rubber padded mounting board, and two glass
plates are also part of the easel.
The front and rear carriages are castings that are secured to the front and rear frames respectively. The carriages house the camera movement and locking mechanisms, and the slides that ride on the tubular guide rails.
Two focusing backs are provided with thecamera set. (1) 4" x 5" focusing back.
The 4" x 5" focusing back isinterchangeable with the 8" x 10" focusing back [(2) below].
The focusingpanel shield (figure 2) is secured within the focusing back by two springs. A ground focusing glass is mounted within the focusing panel shield. Horizontal and vertical lines on the ground focusing glass provide a scale to align the image.
f. Front movement mechanisms.
The front movement mechanisms provide the facilities for horizontal movement or for the vertical movement of the lens assembly. Each mechanism consists of a guide bar that runs the full length of the carriage bed, a handle grip, and a gear arrangement.
g. Handwheel assemblies.
Two handwheel assemblies are provided for movement of the camera carriages. The handwheels (front and rear) , through a system of cable reels and wire ropes, move the camera carriages forward and backward as required.
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